Class Code

Heart Centered Therapy 1 (HCT1): Touching from the Heart - Assume Only Love

Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) is a gift of the heart, a sacred journey within.

Heart Centered Therapy level 1 (HCT1) - Touching from the Heart - is a profound 4-day class that teaches techniques that are guided by the wisdom of the heart.

The heart naturally knows how to heal our bodies and our consciousness and dissolve beliefs that may have held us in pain, confusion, and/or separation.
HCT offers deep healing without reliving the trauma as we are held in the safety, love, and compassion of the heart. When we are able to stop identifying with who we are not, we are free to discover who we truly are. 

We not only work in the present moment but also access the original trauma where negative decisions and beliefs were formulated.  Step-by-step guidelines help us to gently identify and transform the emotional component of disease in the body, the related trauma, as well as the ancestral patterns that have sustained wounding within the immediate family and the family lineage. Inside this gentle and respectful process is a very direct, straightforward approach that pierces straight to the core of an issue.
This class is offered to both professionals and laypeople. It gives families tools to heal relationships and deepen intimacy and communication. People come because they want to heal, to be free, to love again, and to be loved. HCT is an experience that restores hope.

The depths of the work cannot be met until the heart is awakened.

The heart is the key, the access point for the journey to begin.

Please join us on this sacred journey. 

Class length: 4 days
Online Class length: 3 days

Contact Continuing Education (CE) Hours Total: 24 CEUs for massage therapists - NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451238-10

NCBTMB CEUs are accepted in every US state for NCBTMB certification renewal.

Most states accept NCBTMB for license renewal but not all. We are also an approved provider for NY state.

Please look here for more information:

Because certification and license renewal policies vary from state to state, it's important for you to make sure the CEUs are accepted wherever you practice. Therefore, please be aware that this information may not apply in your state.

Check your state’s website at:

Alberta massage therapists: Members of the RMTA will receive 19 Continuing Education Credits (CEC) upon the submission of a certificate of completion for each course.


The Heart Centered Therapy Experience

Heart Centered Therapy 1 (HCT1): Touching from the Heart - Assume Only Love

HCT Therapy addresses the direct physical effects of unresolved emotion in the body and also accesses the original trauma where negative decisions and beliefs were formulated. As we are held in safety, love, and compassion of the heart, we are free to discover who we truly are.
Heartfelt techniques include step-by-step guidelines that identify and transform: the emotional component of disease and discomfort in the body, the related trauma, as well as the ancestral patterns that have to perpetuate dysfunction within the immediate family and family lineage.
In this process, we also learn to internally listen to the sound and frequencies that framed/sustained our family dynamics. As we recognize dissonant sounds in the homes where we were raised, we can see what we may have given up parts of ourselves in order to stay resonant as part of our families. This sacrifice enabled us to be one with our mothers and fathers and to be a part of the whole, however, we may have dissociated and given up our voice, confidence, ability to love, trust, connection, etc... Recognizing this, we come to understand that our parents “also” gave up a part of themselves to be one with their mother and father. We can then step into a deeper understanding and compassion for ourselves and our family. When we come to a place of loving and compassionate understanding, healing deepens.
We are an intrinsic part of the family consciousness. The healing of the whole is interrelated to our personal healing.
In awareness, we can reclaim that which we gave up. In so doing we can support everyone in our families to follow this lead, as no one is excluded in the healing. It gives families tools to heal relationships, communication and deepen intimacy in order to heal, love, and be loved again.


No Prerequisites.

Healthcare professional license not required.


Price: $950

Registration Discount: $750

This is a class with no CHI class pre-requisites. If you have never taken a class with CHI, you are invited to receive a $200 discount ($750) for this class if paid in full 45 days prior to the class start date.
(If the class is not paid in full 45 days before the start of class, the rate automatically goes up to $950)

Spouse/Family Discount: $650

Repeat: $475



Chikly Health Institute

HCT is an eloquent skill that teaches how to really listen and care for the Soul.It has been wonderful to have the ability to help people find their own answers. I am learning that by using HCT there are no limitations.

Beverly C., LMT
Chikly Health Institute

Dear Alaya and Bruno,

Thank you so much for this beautiful experience of HCT 1. The class was wonderful and I LOVED having you two here together. It brought a richness and a "real"-ness to the class material to see you two sharing this together.
Alaya. I will be forever grateful for the session you did for me in front of the class. Such tender pieces of my heart were put back together. How can I thank you enough for that precious gift. Thank you for creating the space to find resolution for my parent's divorce. I am finally at peace to have their lives separate.
My joy in my connection with my did is so sweet and feels complete.
I admire you so much. May you be blessed in your journey of bringing light and love to this world.


Robin J, Reiki Master & Teacher, Utah
Chikly Health Institute

HCT is a therapy born of transformative experience and deep knowing of the heart. Alaya’s transparency as she presents her work infuses each participant with the very love essence of which she speaks.

Jansett B
Chikly Health Institute

Heart Centered Therapy successfully transforms the multi-generational patterns that keep families unhealthy. I have seen powerful changes occurring with HCT in clients who have failed to make progress through more traditional therapies. Personal relationships can also heal through HCT. People become closer and marriages become more joyful, including my own.”

Peter W. Choate, MSW, Clinical Social Worker, Diplomate, American Psychotherapy Association.
Chikly Health Institute

The profundity of HCT has not only deeply shifted my clinical approach, but the very essence of my own life and the ripple continues to touch everyone I know.

Nancy S., MD, DC
Chikly Health Institute

As a clinical psychologist of 30 years, I have rarely experienced an analytical therapeutic approach that is more penetrating, thoughtful, and loving. HCT cuts straight to the core and allows the client to work through their process with self-acceptance and no judgment. The results are astounding.

Larry W., PhD
Chikly Health Institute

Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) is an elegant therapeutic approach integrating psychological, emotional and physical aspects of clients and practitioners.

The level 1 workshop is beautifully organized and facilitated, creating a safe and lovingly supportive environment. Participants can anticipate profound healing experiences while becoming empowered to employ HCT in their clinical practices and in their own evolving Healing process.

Henry F. Kenkel, MD, Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Medical Acupuncturist, Cincinnati, Ohio
HCT: A Couple Talk About their Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) Experience
The Benefits of Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) for Osteopaths (DOs) and Bodyworkers
Robert, Chiropractor, Talks about Heart Centered Therapy 1 (HCT1) by Alaya Chikly 10/13
The Benefits of Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) for Osteopaths (DOs) and Bodyworkers.
Touching Story: How Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) Transformed Annie's Life.
PT Treatment of Severe Ankle Fractures & Post-Surgical Scars Using Lymph 1, Brain 1, FAR, HCT, etc.
Alaya Chikly Gives an Overview of Heart Centered Therapy in 2011
How to Work with Burns? Lymph, Brain and Emotional Techniques. Alaya & Bruno Chikly.